Our Partners

Lions In Sight needs your help to continue its work in developing nations around the world. You can help by donating your:
- used eyeglasses
- hearing aids
- ink cartridges
- cellular phones
If you own a business, you can help by becoming a dropoff location for used eyeglasses. You can also help by becoming a member of Lions In Sight. Click >here< to download a membership form. With your help and contributions, children will be able to learn better at school, adults will be more productive and thus contribute to their nation’s economy and seniors can have increased independence and a sense of well-being.
Please send your used eyeglasses, hearing aids, ink cartridges, cellular phones, checks and membership applications to:
Lions In Sight
1404 Lemon Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
To donate eyeglasses locally, or become an eyeglass dropoff location, please contact your local Lions Club, or call our warehouse at (707) 648-2306. To support our mission financially you may donate online by clicking >here<, or by mailing a check to the postal address shown above. Our Taxpayer ID# is 68-0252878.
Click >here< to view our Guidestar page to see IRS Form 990 filing history. Registration (free) required.

Our Mission
To preserve and restore the gift of sight by providing free ophthalmic examinations, operations, and medication to the less fortunate members of our community.
The Lions Eye foundation of California-Nevada, Inc. (LEF) is a 501(c)(3) corporation that has been in existence over 55 years. For the past halfcentury LEF has come to the aid of needy residents of Northern California and the entire state of Nevada requiring eye surgeries. Sponsored by local community-based lions clubs, LEF has grown the initial 19 member clubs to over 300 member clubs representing approximately 10,000 individual members.